I’m a Transformation Success Coach for ambitious entrepreneurs who want to become widely successful by doing what they love so they can live the life of their dreams.
I work with ambitious people who are ready to create massive success NOW… not someday!
My job: to design a life and business you are madly in love with. I help you to develop a mindset for success and build a thriving & scalable business so you can have more FREEDOM, FLEXIBILITY and FULFILMENT in your life.
Why I Do What I Do
I strongly believe everyone should do what they love AND be widely successful doing so. You have a gift and you are here to share it with the world.
I am on a mission to help new and aspiring entrepreneurs like yourself to build a business that makes MONEY and is FUN so you can be the most successful & fulfilled version of yourself.
My Story
I used to work in a bank and realised soon enough that the corporate world and the ‘9-5’ wasn’t made for me. But I always knew that I wanted to do something I love.
So I took a yoga teacher training course and started teaching yoga. But my interest in building a yoga business was bigger than actually becoming a great yoga teacher and I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something missing.
Until I discovered coaching. Coaching allowed me to unite all my unique gifts, life experience, interest and education into one. When I found it I knew I had found my purpose and there was nothing else I wanted to do instead.
The best thing was that it allowed me to work online, means I was able to travel and visit my family in Germany.
Running my own online business has always been a big dream of mine, but I wasn’t aware of all the challenges that come with it.
I was obsessed with all the online marketing strategies und business models and learned as much as I could. I build a profound knowledge around how to build and scale a business, but yet I struggled to get clients.
How could it be that I understood all the strategies, structures and techniques but still found it so hard for me to get the results. I felt like a fraud.
It was then when I needed to be absolute honest with myself and dig deeper to find the cause of my problems.
I struggled with PERFECTIONISM and feelings of UNWORTHINESS combined with massive MONEY BLOCKS.
That was
My mindset didn’t support the dreams I had for myself and my business which was holding me back in terms of:
• launching my business
• getting visible
• working with dream clients
Instead I was
• feeling overwhelmed
• procrastinating a lot
• spinning my wheels…
Working on my mindset like:
• reprogramming my negative beliefs into more empowering ones,
• releasing my money story and
• knowing that no matter what “I am enough”
allowed me to show up, get visible and start making money from my passion.
But I didn’t get there without the help of my mentors & coaches.
I invested more than $40,000 into myself and business because I knew there’s nothing else I wanted to do other than coaching
If you’re thinking I had unlimited funds to work with…
This isn’t the truth!
In fact, I was working hard with multiple part time jobs and even went into dept for the first time in my life (HELL yes, that was scary!).
The biggest realisation I had about investing in myself was: “It’s NEVER about the money. It’s only about your belief in yourself.”
“Wether you think I can or you think I can’t, you’re right.”
– Henry Ford
Once I did the inner work and followed a simple system, I was able to implement the strategies and create success effortless.
And that’s what I want for you, too!
Stop pushing, forcing or beating yourself up. Don’t rely on your willpower, it’s a limited resource. Sustainable success is first created within.
That’s why I set the focus in my coaching on working on your mindset first so you can implement strategies EASILY & EFFORTLESSLY.
Once you master your mind ANYTHING is possible.
AND when you combine this with a massive action plan THAT is when BIG SUCCESS happens
If you’re passionate about your business and have DECIDED to make it your full-time gig,
• you’re currently spinning in your wheels,
• feeling overwhelmed & frustrated,
• are plagued by self-doubt and not making the money you desire,
then reach out to me and we will get you started with the support you need.
The Dream Client Formula
Sign your very first or next coaching client in as fast as 30 days and get fully booked with dream clients...
so you can quit your job and do what you love full-time.
Works even if you haven’t made a single cent from coaching yet.
The Dream Client Formula is a 4 Months Program that teaches you the fastest way to create, market & sell your 1:1 coaching program so you can sign dream clients consistently - without comlicated funnels, ads or live launches.
30 Days To SOLD
The 30 day Launch Strategy to sell your $1,000+ offers
Learn and implement my proven 30-day launch and sale strategy that shows you not only exactly what to do, but also what to say in your content & messaging so you can predictably sell your offer.... over and over.
This is the sales strategy I’ve been using to make $5k-$8k launches, generate +100 leads and sign ups for my events and hit $18k sales months.
Private 1:1 Coaching Program
Working 1:1 privately with Natascha will give you the highest level of support, tailore-made to where you’re at in your journey so you can finally reach your business & income goals without the stress, overwhelm and confusion.
Through Natascha’s profound experience, education and knowledge she is able to identify quick where and why you haven’t made the income or get the clients you want.
Through proven & simple business strategies, mindset breakthroughs and her personal support she helps you to get fully booked in your business & make consistent $5k – 10K month so you can do what you love for a living.
If you’re passionate about your business and have DECIDED to make it your full-time gig,
and at the same time
• you’re overwhelmed don't know how to get clients on repeat
• you're posting consistenly, but clients don't reach out
• you know you're good at what you do, but you struggle to powerfully communciate that
then reach out to me and we will get you started with a FREE Client Getting Blueprint Session
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